Showerwall HPL Wall Panel Sureseal Trim
This wall panel trim from Showerwall is fitted using the innovative Sureseal system, designed to be a totally waterproof and leak resistant method of joining your wall panel to the base of your shower.
It has a four-point sealing system to ensure that the panel is fixed firmly and the sealant is evenly dispersed. At 2450mm, this wall panel trim is long enough for most shower bases but can be trimmed to create a custom fit.
Installation is so easy that a DIY enthusiast could complete the job, as the fittings simply click together. The trim comes in three colours, black, grey or white, to match any existing fittings. Seal caps are also available separately in custom colours to complete the installation and to create a seamless finish.
When the sealant has adhered, it is locked in place and does not require any future resealing. However, for extra reassurance, this product comes with a 10-year manufacturer's warranty.
Manufacturer | Showerwall |
Product Type | Shower Panel Accessory |
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