Showerwall HPL Wall Panel Sureseal Trim End Caps
These plastic end caps are the finishing touch to your Showerwall installation, concealing the work of the Sureseal system by blending into the Sureseal strip to create a seamless finish.
The Showerwall Sureseal system is an ingenious sealing system that firmly grips on to the base of the Showerwall panel and your shower tray at four different points, to ensure that there is no chance of a leak. The sealant is fully covered to prevent damage, discolouration and inconsistent sealant lines.
These end caps are made to cover the sealant and are available in three different colours (black, grey or white) to match perfectly with the shower panel and create a unified look. Installation is quick and easy, despite the improved protection compared to Showerwall's previous system. This product requires very little maintenance, so you can rest assured that the quality will be at its peak for years to come.
Manufacturer | Showerwall |
Product Type | Shower Panel Accessory |
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