Showerwall HPL Mineral Collection Wall Panels
Create a truly unique look and feel in your shower room with the Showerwall HPL Mineral Collection Wall Panels. These easy to install panels come with either a straight edge for use with a joining strip or the unique Proclick connecting method to create a seamless finish. Designed for both classical and contemporary spaces, there's a wide range of colours and textures to choose from, including crisp and classic gloss white to urban finishes like Oxidised Copper and Pearl Grey.
Wall panels are the fuss-free alternative to tiles, giving a streamlined look without the hassle. Crafted with a moisture resistant MDF core, each panel is then finished with a fully waterproof high-pressure laminate (HPL). Each panel forms part of a flawless whole that gives you the confidence to create the look you want. Manufactured to the highest standards in the UK, these panels are supplied with a 15-year guarantee.
Manufacturer | Showerwall |
Product Type | Laminate Shower Panel |
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